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本软件可以直接备份和删除 Final Cut Pro的设置文件. 如果你经常使用不同的机器进行编辑 可以将你设置到的设置文件备份并且恢复到其他机器上. 包括用户设置 声音音频设置 系统设置
窗口设置 键盘设置等等
FCP Rescue... Instant backup, restore and removal of Apple Final Cut Pro's preference files using this small utility that helps you if Final Cut Pro crashes and corrupts its preference files. Also very useful if other editors use your login, and you want to be able to go back to YOUR settings afterwards. Very simple interface. One backup per user login. Trashing and restore, affects ONLY the current logged in user.
The backup includes ALL FCP settings, including:
User preferences
Audio/Video settings
System settings
Keyboard setup
Easy setups
窗口设置 键盘设置等等
FCP Rescue... Instant backup, restore and removal of Apple Final Cut Pro's preference files using this small utility that helps you if Final Cut Pro crashes and corrupts its preference files. Also very useful if other editors use your login, and you want to be able to go back to YOUR settings afterwards. Very simple interface. One backup per user login. Trashing and restore, affects ONLY the current logged in user.
The backup includes ALL FCP settings, including:
User preferences
Audio/Video settings
System settings
Keyboard setup
Easy setups
FCP Rescue 6 0 2007/6/4 本软件可以直接备份和删除 Final Cut Pro的设置文件. 如果你经常..
( 设计相关 - 影视编辑)