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下载连接一 为 Blood更新
Version 1.16:
Feature Changes
In-game chat is now saved in replays. Note: whispers are not saved.
Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text.
"/reply" (or just "/r") will send a whisper to person who most recently whispered you.
Bug Fixes
Fixed localization issues with "from" and "to" in whispers.
Starcraft now only uses as much CPU as it needs to run smoothly.
Version 1.16:
Feature Changes
In-game chat is now saved in replays. Note: whispers are not saved.
Hitting the Escape key while in the chat room will clear your typed text.
"/reply" (or just "/r") will send a whisper to person who most recently whispered you.
Bug Fixes
Fixed localization issues with "from" and "to" in whispers.
Starcraft now only uses as much CPU as it needs to run smoothly.
StarCraft 更新 1.16 0
下载连接一 为 Blood更新
Version 1.16:
( 破解补丁 - 游戏补丁)