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整体复制分区 磁盘科隆工具
SuperDuper is an advanced, yet easy to use disk copying program. It can, of course, make a straight copy, or "clone" -- useful when you want to move all your data from one machine to another, or do a simple backup. In moments, you can completely duplicate your boot drive to another drive, partition, or image file.
SuperDuper is an advanced, yet easy to use disk copying program. It can, of course, make a straight copy, or "clone" -- useful when you want to move all your data from one machine to another, or do a simple backup. In moments, you can completely duplicate your boot drive to another drive, partition, or image file.
SuperDuper!  3.9.1 2024/9/25 整体复制分区 磁盘科隆工具 SuperDuper is an adva..
( 日常工具 - 其他类别)
SuperDuper! 3.2.5 2019/6/26 整体复制分区 磁盘科隆工具
( 系统相关 - 辅助程式)
SuperDuper v2.6.3 0 2011/7/7 Super Duper 是一个数据恢复工具。 可以帮助你恢复你电脑误删除文件..
( 系统相关 - 工具)
SuperDuper! 2.1 0 2007/11/22 系统文件备份,克隆和重装。
( 系统相关 - 工具)
SuperDuper! 2.1.2完整版 0 2006/6/16 系统文件备份,克隆和重装复制程序。从一个设备移动您所有的数据到另一个, 或做..
( 系统相关 - 辅助程式)