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网页抓屏widget 可以将网页完全页面进行抓图 并且保存在桌面上
The Page Capture widget is the easiest and fastest way to take screenshot of web pages. No matter how long a page may be, the Page Capture widget will capture the entire page and save it to an image. Say “Good Bye!” to puzzling together multiple screenshots manually and let the Page Capture widget do all the work for you!
The Page Capture widget is the easiest and fastest way to take screenshot of web pages. No matter how long a page may be, the Page Capture widget will capture the entire page and save it to an image. Say “Good Bye!” to puzzling together multiple screenshots manually and let the Page Capture widget do all the work for you!
Page Capture 1.1 1.1
网页抓屏widget 可以将网页完全页面进行抓图 并且保存在桌面上
( 系统相关 - Widget)