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Hulu是新颖的视频分享网站, Hulu desktop是视频浏览的桌面客户端. 让你可以有更好的用户使用感受和体验
目前播放不支持 美国以外的地区 用户使用自备过河工具
Hulu Desktop is a lean-back viewing experience for your personal computer. It features a sleek new look that's optimized for use with standard Windows Media Center remote controls or Apple remote controls, allowing you to navigate Hulu's entire library with just six buttons. For users without remotes, the application is keyboard and mouse-enabled. Hulu Desktop is a downloadable application and will work on PCs and Macs. It will initially launch as a beta product during which we plan to gather and incorporate user feedback to improve the service.
目前播放不支持 美国以外的地区 用户使用自备过河工具
Hulu Desktop is a lean-back viewing experience for your personal computer. It features a sleek new look that's optimized for use with standard Windows Media Center remote controls or Apple remote controls, allowing you to navigate Hulu's entire library with just six buttons. For users without remotes, the application is keyboard and mouse-enabled. Hulu Desktop is a downloadable application and will work on PCs and Macs. It will initially launch as a beta product during which we plan to gather and incorporate user feedback to improve the service.
Hulu Desktop 0.9.0 0.9.0
Hulu是新颖的视频分享网站, Hulu desktop是视频浏览的桌面客户..
( 日常工具 - 媒体播放)