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方便易用的图片编辑软件 可以帮你轻松支持画框 出版物等特效. 你需要做的就是在软件内置的模板种选择你需要的样式 然后拖拽你现有的图片即可创建.
Posterino... With a focus on ease-of-use, Posterino creates life posters, photo collages, frames, postcards, greeting cards and contact sheets from digital images. Posterino does the hard work while users just have to fine tune the results.
Posterino offers a variety of stylish templates with grids of identical or odd sized containers. With a single click, the application will fill containers with random images automatically, or for more control, the user may Drag and Drop images manually. Posterino also sports a built-in layout generator which can automate the process of creating and saving custom grid templates.
Posterino... With a focus on ease-of-use, Posterino creates life posters, photo collages, frames, postcards, greeting cards and contact sheets from digital images. Posterino does the hard work while users just have to fine tune the results.
Posterino offers a variety of stylish templates with grids of identical or odd sized containers. With a single click, the application will fill containers with random images automatically, or for more control, the user may Drag and Drop images manually. Posterino also sports a built-in layout generator which can automate the process of creating and saving custom grid templates.
Posterino  3.11.10
( 日常工具 - 其他类别)
Posterino  2.6.6
方便易用的图片编辑软件 可以帮你轻松支持画框 出版物等特效. 你需要做的就是..
( 设计相关 - 平面设计)