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这个CD是用来固件升级失败后进行修复的. 如果你在固件升级时失败则可以使用本CD进行修复
About the Firmware Restoration CD
Your rights to use this update are subject to the terms of the software license agreement that follows and accompanies the update. By downloading or using this update, you accept the terms of the software license agreement.
The Firmware Restoration CD is used to restore the firmware of an Intel-based iMac (early 2006), Mac mini (early 2006), or MacBook Pro (early 2006) to original factory condition.
It can only be used to restore the Firmware after an interrupted or failed update.
About the Firmware Restoration CD
Your rights to use this update are subject to the terms of the software license agreement that follows and accompanies the update. By downloading or using this update, you accept the terms of the software license agreement.
The Firmware Restoration CD is used to restore the firmware of an Intel-based iMac (early 2006), Mac mini (early 2006), or MacBook Pro (early 2006) to original factory condition.
It can only be used to restore the Firmware after an interrupted or failed update.
Apple Firmware Restoration CD 1.2 0 2006/11/15 更新固件失败的急救恢复盘
( 系统相关 - 操作系统)
Apple Firmware Restoration CD 1.1 0 2006/9/21 这个CD是用来固件升级失败后进行修复的. 如果你在固件升级时失败则可以使用本..
( 系统相关 - 工具)
Apple Final Cut Pro 5.0.4更新 0 2006/5/17 苹果视频编辑软件 Apple Final Cut Pro 5.0.4更新。
( 苹果软件 - Final Cut)
Apple Firmware Restoration CD 1.0 0 2006/4/6 如果你的火线升级失败可以使用这个光盘进行恢复
( 系统相关 - 操作系统)