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Google Gmail 的本地客户端 . 快捷的使用Gmail服务 . 需要联网
Mailplane brings Gmail to your Mac desktop. Mailplane combines Gmail's spam protection, endless storage, global access, and unique user interface with great Mac features:
Attach files: Drag 'n' drop your files and folders to Mailplane and watch them being attached to the message and automatically uploaded.
Mailplane brings Gmail to your Mac desktop. Mailplane combines Gmail's spam protection, endless storage, global access, and unique user interface with great Mac features:
Attach files: Drag 'n' drop your files and folders to Mailplane and watch them being attached to the message and automatically uploaded.
Mailplane 4.3.2
Google Gmail 的本地客户端 . 快捷的使用Gmail服务 . 需..
( 网络工具 - 邮件收发)
Mailplane  2.5.3
Google Gmail 的本地客户端 . 快捷的使用Gmail服务 . 需..
( 网络工具 - 邮件收发)