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功能强大的 开发文本编辑器
Name: Mpok-ati and Crew
Organization: Mpok-ati and Crew@org
Serial Number: SEE-V006-81P0-26F4
SubEthaEdit... Wouldn't it be great to edit the same document, live, in realtime, together with everyone in your group? With SubEthaEdit you can. The idea of collaborative editing has been researched for years, with notable results. But now for the first time it has been implemented in a way you actually want to use: While doing complex calculations under the hood to ensure correct behavior with mulitple users, to you SubEthaEdit is just as easy to use as a traditional text editor.
SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one you can actually use. By combining the ease of Bonjour with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun.
Name: Mpok-ati and Crew
Organization: Mpok-ati and Crew@org
Serial Number: SEE-V006-81P0-26F4
SubEthaEdit... Wouldn't it be great to edit the same document, live, in realtime, together with everyone in your group? With SubEthaEdit you can. The idea of collaborative editing has been researched for years, with notable results. But now for the first time it has been implemented in a way you actually want to use: While doing complex calculations under the hood to ensure correct behavior with mulitple users, to you SubEthaEdit is just as easy to use as a traditional text editor.
SubEthaEdit is a powerful and lean text editor. And it's the only collaborative one you can actually use. By combining the ease of Bonjour with the world's best text collaboration engine, it makes working together not only possible but even fun.
SubEthaEdit 4.1
功能强大的 开发文本编辑器
( 文字处理 - 文字编辑)
SubEthaEdit 3.5.2 0
功能强大的 开发文本编辑器
Name: Mpok..
( 系统相关 - 编程开发)