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苹果的快捷键很多 有的时候记不住 使用这个软件 再忘记的时候按住coomand就会出现快捷键大全的菜单 .
注册码输入 MacX.cn
KeyCue helps you to use your Mac OS X applications more effectively. Just hold down the Command key for a while - KeyCue comes to help and shows a table of all currently available menu shortcuts. When you have found the desired shortcut in the KeyCue table, just type it and continue working as usual. The KeyCue window will disappear automatically.
注册码输入 MacX.cn
KeyCue helps you to use your Mac OS X applications more effectively. Just hold down the Command key for a while - KeyCue comes to help and shows a table of all currently available menu shortcuts. When you have found the desired shortcut in the KeyCue table, just type it and continue working as usual. The KeyCue window will disappear automatically.
KeyCue 9.9
苹果的快捷键很多 有的时候记不住 使用这个软件 再忘记的时候按住cooman..
( 日常工具 - 其他类别)
KeyCue 7.4.1
苹果的快捷键很多 有的时候记不住 使用这个软件 再忘记的时候按住cooman..
( 日常工具 - 其他类别)