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『Electric Image Animation System for Mac 9.1』 是一款完美的三维效果製作集成软件,软件集合了动画、相机、渲染等功能。
EIAS 可用于着色系统中进行后处理,让你能够创建多层次的输出文件,可输出PSD和RPF文件格式。这意味着你可以在场景中,针对物体的材料特性的不同,在Photoshop文件里用不同的层直接进行渲染。你可以在某一层里面渲染散射效果,在另外一层中渲染高光效果,再在另一层中渲染反射效果,如此类推。
EIAS (Electric Image Animation System) is now even faster, stronger, and better than ever! For almost 20 years the Electric Image Animation System has delivered superior 3D graphics at a fraction of the cost. If you are looking to create Hollywood Style 3D graphics at an affordable price you don't have to look any further. Not only is EIAS the fastest renderer on Earth, it is clearly one of the easiest and most intuitive 3D applications to learn. You will be creating beautiful images in no time, and you will wonder why anyone uses those other bloat-ware 3D applications.
EIAS 可用于着色系统中进行后处理,让你能够创建多层次的输出文件,可输出PSD和RPF文件格式。这意味着你可以在场景中,针对物体的材料特性的不同,在Photoshop文件里用不同的层直接进行渲染。你可以在某一层里面渲染散射效果,在另外一层中渲染高光效果,再在另一层中渲染反射效果,如此类推。
EIAS (Electric Image Animation System) is now even faster, stronger, and better than ever! For almost 20 years the Electric Image Animation System has delivered superior 3D graphics at a fraction of the cost. If you are looking to create Hollywood Style 3D graphics at an affordable price you don't have to look any further. Not only is EIAS the fastest renderer on Earth, it is clearly one of the easiest and most intuitive 3D applications to learn. You will be creating beautiful images in no time, and you will wonder why anyone uses those other bloat-ware 3D applications.
EIAS for Mac  9.1
『Electric Image Animation System for M..
( 设计相关 - 3D制作)